Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Schools Out For Summer!

Finally, it's almost over. I've been up to my armpits in classroom presentations, afterschool program performances, dance recitals, school plays and end of year concerts. When I was a kid, you maybe had a couple of shows that your proud parents were thrilled to attend. I've watched my kid, sing, dance, make and sell bracelets, play a pilgrim, dance again, portray a superhero and play guitar in an afterschool rock band. Her future as an acting, singing, dancing superhero jeweler is clearly all set.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that I have a bright and inquisitive child, it's just that I'm exhausted. Heaven forbid communications break down between me and my husband, "what do you mean she has a dance rehearsal on Tuesday, she's supposed to be at her school play rehearsal!" Just one crossed wire, one missed rehearsal and the kid is bumped to the lowest of the low, playing a tree. I can't live with that guilt.

Showbiz is all well and good, but all of these activities can come with a price. When the heck is she supposed to be doing her homework! I've felt like a slave driver on nights when we'd get home so late that we ate dinner at 8pm and my 10 year old was up until 10:30pm doing her homework! It's hard to explain to the teacher the next day that my daughter's homework is less than stellar because she was an awesome sugar plum fairy the night before.

At least we all get a break for the next couple of months. I thought that I enjoyed summer vacation when I was a kid, it's actually much more of a break for me now. No more Saturday morning dance classes, no more rehearsals, I finally get my kid back!

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